peg o' my heart

January 23rd, 2006

My fellow Canadians: HI.

Well....Winnipeg's fine, the sun shines all the time, and the feelin' is laid back....

Oh, wait, those are just the lyrics from a Neil Diamond song. Good thing I stopped myself before the line about the palm trees, or I'd be sitting here in a puddle of tears in a minute.

So. Yeah. Winnipeg. It's actually not FOUR THOUSAND DEGREES below zero, as many BIG FAT LIARS THAT I CALL FRIENDS would have had me believe. So as far as my number one New Year's Resolution goes ("stop complaining about the weather"; closely followed by "Eat more vegetables" and "Stop killing people").....I'm kicking ass! I have now gotten 22 days into 2006 without once whining about how cold I am.

My magical Supercoat is a big help. My da and stepma got me this thing for Christmas; it's, like, a Swiss Army coat. Zipoff fur, secret pockets, knives, a pull a thing and a parachute pops out; it mixes its own martinis, you name it. (GO GO GADGET BOOZE!) I don't even walk to work - a big plastic ball inflates around me when I walk outside and I roll everywhere. It's, in fact, not a coat - it's actually an intelligent life form. I'm a bit freaked out by the fact that it's been sneaking into my room and crawling into bed with me at night. I mean, that would be fine, but it whispers such strange things ("Jump off the balcony. Make a bomb. No, wait, make a bomb and then jump off the balcony........Fuck your mother.")

Winnipeg is very beautiful. No one ever told me that. The downtown still has all these gorgeous buildings from the early twentieth century. "Chicagoan Architecture", I'm told.....and chic it is. The banks look like banks, you know? You look at the Bank of Montreal here and say, now THAT's a bank. You wouldn't dare belittle a place like that by calling it BMO. Kevin Bundy, who is in the show I'm working on here, stood outside Harry's Bar the other day thinking "This place should be in a movie." And then he went to see Capote and there it was. It makes me ache to know that I live in a town that had all this, and then we went and tore it all down. Just thinking, in contrast, of the hunks of glass growing all over the Lakeshore - and EVERYWHERE - in Toronto, makes me want to tear them apart with my bare hands. Or something slightly more effective. Although I've got pretty effective bare hands; just ask any guy I've dated. (Comedy High Hat, please.)

Of course, our gang is staying somewhere neither old nor beautiful. We are at Holiday Towers, which, as one cast member noted, look about as inviting as the ones from Lord of the Rings. When I say we're all staying there, I mean all of us except for Master Playwright Michael Healey, who pulled the old "I'm allergic to smoke" scam and got put up somewhere else. Yeah - allergic to smoke! Like that exists.

We have noticed that they have all of the MTC visiting artists stacked up on room fifteen of every floor (215, 315, 415 etc.). Winnipeg officials can thereby wipe out a large portion of the local Arts Community at the push of a button, sending a missile sailing down through our section of the building but leaving our crack-addicted, house-arrested neighbours unscathed. Which is exactly what they are under strict orders to do the very minute Stephen Harper is elected. Similar strikes are planned for cheap hotels and theatre bars across the country. Tom McCamus, curiously, is in Suite 213, and thereby safely outside the COLUMN OF DEATH. But he played Wayne Gretzky's dad in a movie after all, and the government can't afford to have the wrath of Wayne on them. That's how you wake up with a severed horse's head. Rest assured that Michael Healey, safely ensconced in his fancyass smoke and bomb-free hotel, will be okay. Until they gun him down in the coffee shop. So there's the Arts Policy you were waiting for from the Conservatives. (Phase One. Basket're next.)

We actually ain't got it bad. I quite like my room. And it's got everything I need. I found myself running around my kitchen the other day freaking out because I didn't have, like, ohmigod, a thing to close a chip bag with, when I was suddenly struck by one of those moments when you're forced to see your gross North American Consumerism in a magnifying mirror. Imagine displaced Indonesian villagers whining about their new home not having any twist ties. Well, they won't now - because I just sent a huge shipment of twist ties to the Red Cross! May those lovely little brown people never know my pain.

Winnipeg keeps you regular. No one told me that one, either. I've been pooing, like, three times a day. And I'm talking big, healthy dumps here. Okay....someone's going to make a joke about my having been full of shit living in Toronto all these years, and how I'm just now cleaning out my system. So there. I beat you to it. Just like Eminem in Eight Mile, Yo.

Nothing is open here on Sunday, which is our day off. I mean, no coffee shops, no stores, nuthin'. I guess if much of the world thinks of Sunday as a day of rest and time with family, I am squarely in the other group that thinks of it as that pain-in-the-ass day that the bank is closed. Fuck you, God! I need stuff at Shoppers! I've been trying to buy tampons for three days, for the love of Christ!

The fun Sunday event today, though, was going to see Hughie, a Eugene O'Neill play that Jeff Meadows and Ric Reid (Shaw folk, as is Kelly Daniels, who directed) are playing as part of O'Neill Fest. Every year, MTC spearheads a Master Playwright Festival, and everybody joins in for two weeks of plays, lectures, films. It's a fantastic idea. Other recent ones have been Tremblay-fest, Ibsen-fest, Norm Foster-fest (just kidding). And you can see the whole shamozzle for sixty bucks. O'Neill is particularly fitting: It's Winnipeg! It's January! If you don't want to kill yourself already, come see Long Day's Journey Into Night! Of which there is, by the way, a very fine production at the MTC Warehouse with Dixie Seatle and Graham Abbey and Shaw pals big fat pregnant Fiona Byrne and Mike Shara. It's pretty great. I love O'Neill, so Suicide Fest was made for me.

I'm also really enjoying working on my show (The Innocent Eye Test). The script is a blast - every cheap gag Michael Healey has ever wanted to write. He couldn't very well have the old dudes in The Drawer Boy farting and tripping over things, so it's all in here. It's great to work with Chris Newton again, the actors are all topnotch, the amazing Laurie Champagne is Stage Managing. I feel a bit like the kid who ends up in the Advanced Class when the teacher meant to write down "Special Ed". What am I doing with the frickin' A Team? And, no, that doesn't mean that Mister T is in the show. We've been socializing a lot, too, which may kill me eventually. Last night we had a dinner party in Tanja Jacobs house and I got so high that I came home, washed my face three times, brushed my teeth twice and shaved all nine of my legs. And then I just walked around my kitchen in circles. Wondering where the twist ties went.

I wish you love from this place.

And, oh the snow is beautiful at night......



Anonymous said...

So great to hear from you. Winnipeg eh? I'm glad you're equipped with the super coat to counter the fact that everything is closed on Sunday.... Heeeey, maybe the coat has tampons stashed in it?

Anonymous said...

nice, mo'fo. smiled for the entire 7 minutes, 38 seconds it took me to read.

Anonymous said...

Norton, Great to hear from you. Once again, you have made me spit juice on my computer. Nothing better than cleaning up juice from the inside of your keyboard. Ah, but it was worth it. Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa, Thank you for brightening my day. You're a freak, and I love you dearly. You even managed to make me feel nostalgic for Winnipeg--something I wouldn't have thought was even possible. (No, not true; I've always had a soft spot for the place. And you're right, it's beautiful.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the e-mail. I think you're funny. And I'm flattered to be included in your big shout-out. Shout out. That's what the kids are saying these days, right? Word.

Please give my best to Bundy and Healey. If I were you, I'd nail them both. Kind of like a Jeff Daniels/Paul Giamatti gang bang fantasy.

Stay warm and write often.


Anonymous said...

One summer, for about 4 days about 12 years ago, after finishing up a rather hard core tree-planting season in Northern Ontario me and some tree-planting buddies were in Winnipeg. We had lots of fun and walked everywhere and spent time in a big beautiful park where there was a folk festival going on. And saw a crazy Pink Floyd concert on Canada day - crazy probably cuz I was on some fantastic mushrooms and had some wild-ass inner body experiences while the pink pig was floating around - was it a pig? I am glad that you bowels are in order ... I am jealous of your regularity and frequency since at 36 weeks of pregnancy I am lucky to have a good one once a day. (constipation is common in later stages of pregnancy). Yoga and eating my bran cereal in the morning helps... I wonder if pregnant woman suffer from constipation in Winnipeg?

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are enjoying Winnipeg - I have a soft place in my heart for Winnipeg because one of my best friends lives there and I saw in the year 2000 there - the champage FROZE in my hand, I kid you not. Make sure you go to visit that Fort thing that's over the river in the French area - hmmmm, that was an intelligent description...hopefully you know what I'm talking about! There's a funky Louis Riel sculpture that had Ted Dykstra laughing his head off for some reason - can't quite remember why...

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
Colourful email as always. I have started a "Tampon Fund" in your honour so that no woman shall ever go without ever again. As the president (I took the initiative of designating you as such), you should begin to receive fan mail pretty soon.
I have to agree with you -- Winnipeg is a pretty cool place. Tried on a few vintage dresses when I was there and did the whole standing at the windest corner (yup, the wind sure does blow there). Went to see a show -- Humbleboy -- and then resisted the urge to throw up at the smell of the cheese fondue at the after party (I'm not sure what's to blame -- the show, the cheese? it's all a mystery to me at this point). Martin's friend Carson was also very kind in showing us all the places where J-Lo parked her ass while filming Shall We Dance?